Tonight was a very encouraging speech. It's true that you can have an idea, but think it probably won't go anywhere, so you hesitate to redt it. But the truth is, you really never know! Thank you for the chizuk!
this is special - thanks for the inspiration i didnt think in that direction. I will now put on my thinking cap..
Keep up the great work. The organization is a chizuk to so many people. Gut shabbos
Redt 2 and materialized 1 idea S. G.
geredt numorous amount daily, gevorin 1 this week N.M.
Wow! Got chizuk on what a special mitzvah it is and not be afraid to try and Redt-A-Shidduch
Keep up your gr8 work. The conference was very inspiring. Keep it coming. A Boro Park listener.
The speech was very tachlisdig, on target and very inspirational!!!
Your teleconferences are really insightful. Thanks for organizing this. Keep it up, although it's tons of work, it's appreciated by so many people.
The conference last week was fantastic because it was very practical!
Shiur was very helpful & encouraging. Monsey
The speech gave me so much chizuk. I have dome many shidduchim but have yet to get paid. It is a big chizuk to know that I am getting paid in other ways
Hi thanks for the drive with haw many shidichem we redt, I did about 8 thanks again C G
Hi. I must thank you for your incredible work. As someone who constantly reds Shidduchim, Its easy to get discouraged and wanna give up.. But your conferences, and posters etc are steady reminders and inspire me to keep trying no matter what. The conferences are INCREDIBLE. Just to hear fellow Shadchanim talk gives a tremendous amount of chizuk and the hints and tricks we learn between the lines are priceless. Keep going. Thanks
Every time i hear the leshadech conference i become more mechizek keep up the good work
Hi thanx for all the chizuk u give to shadchanim. I suggested about 3 shiduchim.
Redt 5 shidichim..One materialized and hopefully simchas to come I"Yh
I have been working on a particular Shidduch for weeks. The questions, the doubts, the psychological dealings back and forth....I was ready to give up! The time invested, the neglecting my family, and the aggravation just made me consider stopping with this Shidduch, and Shidduchim in general. At night I picked up the phone to listen to the teleconference from Leshadech, and I was injected with such chizuk that I decided to continue working on Shidduchim - i was infused full of energy to work on the current one and more! Rivky Spitzer
Hi thank you for the most beautiful and inspiring evening ! Rabbi Ginsburg words came straight from his heart into mine! The message was so clear that it's stressed that we shud never give up! Looking forward to the next Shiur. I Redt 2 Shidduchim last week , my name is ……… . thank you and Tizku Lmitzvot
Thanks to your organization my first granddaughter got engaged thanks to one of your shadchanta Shify Friedman thanks and keep up your holy work
Every time i hear the leshadech conference i become more mechizek keep up the good work
After Rabbi Weinberg's conference I stayed glued to my chair. Soooo inspiring.... Soooo touching.... I'm assuming there wasn't a dry eye. I I couldn't move and I couldn't stop crying for all the ppl that are waiting every day for their child's Simcha to hapoen especially parents of older children.... Like myself..... I feel for them.... Y? Cuz I'm in their shoes as well.... Yes we do go thru pain but as long as I'm connected to Hakodosh Burech Hu it makes my life easier knowing that He's the father that really wants the best for us. I'm a mother of 3 children ages 30, 26 and 24 that need shidduchim. May we be zoiche to hear B'seeris Toivis by all of K'lal Yisroel B'korov Umein!!!
Wonderful lines! I Never entertaind the idea of trying shiduchm. Since i startd w leshadch-aprmnx 2 mths- i redt about 15! hatzlucha veiter! Mrs. ...e ....kovitz boro park
Wed 9:49 PM ... ... from boro park you have great speakers! I made a shiduch this summer because of your encouragement. The last time i made a shidduch was 6 years ago because of burn out
Wow! I sure got loads of chizuk & cheishek to redd a Shiduch (from rabbi oelbaum)
What a shtark Chizuk speech! Thank you so much! Y. H. Boro park
By the way I was listening Tonight on the phone .Thank You Very Much ! It Was Very INSPIRING !! If you can please put me in the raffle ! THANKS AGAIN ! C. S !
Your conferences gives motivation and confidence to think of shiduchim & also to actually call with offers. Thank you!
The speech tonight was really inspiring! Thanks for allll! Gitte Nacht!
Amazing! It is comforting to get all this support that is so needed. Thanx so much for this line. I look forward to the next week conference.
B"h I was zoche to be shadchen today . Thanks for all the chizuk from your teleconference
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